Welcome To SDPT PU College
Courses Offered

Courses Offered

Subject taught in our college
Part I   Languages – Kannada , Hindi, English

Part II  Core Subjects

History, Economics, Sociology, Political Science

History, Economics, Accountancy, Business studies

Statistics, Economics, Mathematics, Biology.

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology.

Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics.

In 2010 II PUC annual Examination students have scored 100% results in the following subjects.
Hindi, History, Biology, Mathematics, Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Statistics, Business Studies.

II PUC Annual Examination Result 2009-10
Number of Students appeared for examination                            283
Number of Students Passed                                                        276
Number of Students Distinction                                                   07
Number of Students First Class                                                   157
Number of Students Second Class                                               85
Number of Students Pass                                                            27
Percentage of Passing Result                                                    97.87%

Students who scored Highest Mark
Science section      - Kum. Vedavathi                                       531
Commerce section - Vinod & Kum. Shruthi M.                           528
Arts section           - Kum. Pushpa J.                                        483